Difference between pbs and wbs

What are the differences between PBS and WBS?

WBS is very common term and techniques used in Project Management but how about PBS? In this video, we share our thoughts on both. The iSMILE™ Series i - Ins...
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Difference Between PBS and WBS is a set of pos and cons that distinguish Product Breakdown Structure (PBS) and Work Breakdown Structure (WBS).

Difference Between Work Breakdown Structure and Product Breakdown Structure is what each type of product or work management is focused on. Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) includes all the service information, data and concentrates on the work that should be done to implement the project. At the same time, Product Breakdown Structure (PBS) is focused on the physical elements of the product, which will be the result of work in the project.

Difference Between WBS and PBS is important to understand, as the Project Breakdown Structure (PBS), which is done by the WBS. The term PBS is widely used in application areas where the term WBS is incorrectly used to refer to a BOM.