Examples of a progressive elaboration

What is Rolling Wave Planning? What is Progressive Elaboration?

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Two examples which illustrate progressive elaboration in two different application areas.

Example 1. Development of a chemical processing plant begins with process engineering to define the characteristics of the process. These characteristics are used to design the major processing units. This information becomes the basis for engineering design, which defines both the detail plant layout and the mechanical characteristics of the process units and ancillary facilities. All of these result in design drawings that are elaborated to produce fabrication drawings (construction isometrics). During construction, interpretations and adaptations are made as needed and subject to proper approval. This further elaboration of the characteristics is captured by as-built drawings. During test and turnover, further elaboration of the characteristics is often made in the form of final operating adjustments.

Example 2. The product of an economic development project may initially be defined as: “Improve the quality of life of the lowest income residents of community X.” As the project proceeds, the products may be described more specifically as, for example: “Provide access to food and water to 500 low income residents in community X.” The next round of progressive elaboration might focus exclusively on increasing agriculture production and marketing, with provision of water deemed to be secondary priority to be initiated once the agriculture component is well under way.