Rad vs scrum

Agile Vs Waterfall - Four Massive Differences

http://www.databasestar.com/agile-vs-waterfall/ A short video explaining some of the key differences between Agile and Waterfall software development methodo...
Howto & Style video by Youtube Channel

RAD vs Scrum is a comparison of the pros and cons of the two methodologies for developing the RAD (Rapid-application development) and Scrum.

In general, RAD approaches to software development put less emphasis on planning and more emphasis on an adaptive process. Prototypes are often used in addition to or sometimes even in place of design specifications.

Scrum is an agile framework for managing knowledge work, with an emphasis on software development, although it has wide application in other fields and is slowly starting to be explored by traditional project teams more generally.

In some cases, a comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of other development methodologies is used. For example, Agile vs Waterfall vs Scrum or Extreme Programming vs Scrum.